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Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression – your key to the future

Past Life Regression can give great insight into the problems and difficulties you are experiencing in this life. Many people believe that traumas or violent deaths experienced in previous lives can have a profound effect upon this life if you have not dealt with or let go of negative feelings, blockages or habits from that lifetime.
Past Life Regression involves going back to former lives under hypnosis to remove blockages or deal with any issues remaining. It is not necessary for you to believe in reincarnation for this to work an open mind is sufficient.

If you are drawn to past life regression, for whatever reason, then you are listening to your unconscious mind, which is ready to release blockages and move on in the present time. That’s an excellent move.

The cause of a wide range of stress related and emotional problems, as well as many negative behaviour patterns can often be traced back not only into this lifetime, but also back to events and traumas which have occurred in past lives.

Past life therapy is a highly effective therapy bring amazingly deep healings for clients on a whole range of issues.

I am not saying that Past Life Regression is a cure-all or the answer for everything. Indeed there may be answers in the current lifetime why a person has a certain condition.


However, many conditions have been cleared with the help of past life regression including:

Fears and phobias
Some stress and anxiety states or panic attacks
Physical illnesses
Weight problems
Confidence issues
Sexual problems
Relationship problems
And many many more

Very often people say that they gain great insights through the experience of Past Life Regression. Past life recall often brings about the relief of longstanding symptoms, or helps to effect change in emotional responses or behavioural difficulties, even where other approaches have been unsuccessful.

Price – £60 for up to 2 hours

Book your session now and feel the difference in your life!

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