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How’s Your Mental Health?

Mental health appears to have become a buzz word for many people and is used as “throw-away” phrase to describe a little difficulty. However, for a large number of people, mental health is far more challenging than a simple feeling of being low.


It is true that life by its very nature is challenging. Some people are able to deal with those challenges quickly and easily as they have the necessary life experiences, guidance and resilience. This will not impact too harshly on their mental health.


However, not everyone has had such a fortunate outcome. Some people are unable to see beyond the experience or challenge they are stuck in. They feel unable to reach out to others, and that only serves to keep them trapped within the confines of that negative experience. Without outside interruption, guidance, or help, removing themselves from that place of darkness seems unlikely.


Reaching out is a sign of strength, although some people, see it as weakness. They feel she should be able to deal with their problems, situations, relationships, etc. After all, just look on social media – others can do it – right? WRONG!


Social media is only an illusion. Yes, you may see happy, smiling people and comments about what they have done, what they haven’t done and anything in-between. But that is only a snapshot in time at the very least. For many it is pure fantasy. Something they aspire or would like to do. It helps them to feel better about their life.


If any of this resonates with you and you feel it is finally time to take charge of your life – hypnotherapy can help.


Hypnotherapy helps get to the core of the issue that is causing disruption in your life. By using the power of your own subconscious mind, hypnotherapy will help you find the answers that are unique for you to help find lasting answers, allowing you to lead the life you want.


If you live or work in or around Scunthorpe and would like to know how hypnotherapy can help you, please get in touch using the online form. This does not commit you to anything,  but it will help you move in the right direction, even if you decide not to engage my services, it is still one step closer to happiness.

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